And their leader :

Queen Beryl
A little bit of history
Some centuries ago, Metallia's armies, led by the Shitennou,
attacked the Moon Kingdom.
They nearly took over it, and managed to kill Princess Serenity,
the Moon Queen's only daughter, and Prince Endymion, the Princess's
fiancé from Earth (whom Beryl has the hots for, too).

The Four Kings leading the attack against the Moon Kingdom
If any of you is fluent in Japanese and wants to translate the note besides,
I can't...
Seeing her kingdom destroyed and her only child dead, Queen
Serenity used the greatest power of the Ginzuishou (Silver
Crystal) : Metallia was sealed into a crystal prison for centuries,
along with her armies (or so we're left to assume), while the essence of Princess
Serenity, her 4 faithful Planet Guardians (Mercury, Venus,
Jupiter and Mars), Prince Endymion were sent to Earth until they'd be reincarnated. The
Queen's counsellors (two talking cats named Luna and Artemis
- surprisingly, this one is male) were sent to Earth in lethargic devices to be
awakened when the Moon princess would be reborn.

Queen Serenity and her two cats counsellors on the Moon
And of course it happens in our time:
In the first episode of Sailor Moon, a white talking cat tells an airhead teen
girl, Usagi Tsukino, that she's the reincarnation of a Moon
Warrior (a Senshi) and that she should fight the evil forces
under the name of Sailor Moon. Her mission is also to find
the lost Moon Princess Serenity (obviously, they're one and the same, but none
will find out before late in the show... The cats also lost a lot of their memories,
though less than the reincarnated Senshi)
Later the cat will also "recognize" Sailor Mercury
(Ami Mizuno), Sailor Mars (Rei Hino) and Sailor Jupiter
(Makoto Kino).
Last, Sailor Venus (Aino Minako) - who actually had become
a super-heroin before Sailor Moon herself - will join them - she's been "found"
by Artemis and used her powers under the name of Sailor V before
Luna even found Usagi.

From left to right : Ami, Rei, Usagi, Makoto and Minako
Jadeite : first appeared, first gone
The first member of the Dark Kingdom to be met by them is Jadeite,
whose mission is to collect life energy from humans to free Metallia (whose
seals are stronger than her servants', and haven't been broken). He had some
victories, but also some failures, especially as a masked hero in tuxedo (Tuxedo
Kamen = "Tuxedo Mask", also called by me "the
masked Penguin", because I loathe him) appeared every now
and then to counteract his schemes, when Sailor Moon wasn't enough.
Actually, in case you haven't figured yet, Tuxedo Kamen is
the reincarnated Prince Endymion, who hasn't recovered his memory either. His
reincarnated self is Mamoru Chiba, a guy slightly older than
the Senshi (he's a student, I think? We never see him working), who stumbles
on Usagi quite often. The two cordially hate each other.
Jadeite's last failure cost the life of one of Beryl's personal servants,
Thetys, who apparently fancied him enough to help him of her own device. As
a punishment, he was imprisoned in an ice coffin forever by Queen Beryl.