Granny Weatherwax, a king's ghost, etc...
It's a world as flat as a pizza, with continents instead of
tomatoes, and oceans as the melting cheese on it - thus its name
of "Discworld". At the center of the disc is a giant mountain,
on top of which various Gods are watching, playing silly
games and occasionally beating each other like a gang of snorty
kids that they are. I wouldn't dare to say that aloud if I lived
on the Disc, though, since they're also very bad-tempered and
The disc lies on the shoulders of four giant elephants, that
stand on an even more gigantic turtle's back. For the record, the
turtle's named A'tuin, and she's (yes, she's a she) swimming
across the space endlessly - well, at least it would be better
that she never ends, for the inhabitants' sake... Oceans
constantly fall over the edge of the disc, and a small sun
rotates around and under it to create day and night.
One major place in the Disc is Ankh-Morpork, its
biggest town (about one million, err, 'souls', if you admit a far stretch
to that word...). There would be a lot to say about it, but 'scum of the
universe' seems to be a good start. The Ankh is the river
separating the town in two, and it's so polluted by human - or not -
activities that it's easier to walk on it rather than swimming into it,
but it's still even healthier to keep away from it.