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River Phoenix

River Phoenix - Sa carrière - Citations

Après avoir divagué comme à mon habitude,
cela semblait une manière appropriée de rendre hommage à River
que de laisser son travail parler pour lui,
et d'associer certains de ses films à des extraits de ses chansons.

Hear say hear now, I've heard you've found
There's more across the way
Now the other side can look so nice
Until you've heard this myth won't wash away
I've heard there's more in altered land
No rocks, no tools, no stepping stones

(paroles extraites de "Across the Way", photo de "Stand by Me")

Stand By Me

The Mosquito Coast You see, they don't need our
language to know we've sold them
down the river
and franchised our own souls.

(paroles extraites de "Curi Curi", photo de "The Mosquito Coast")

It was just beautiful, the things I learned,
through pain and through misunderstanding,
and through being displaced...

(extrait d'un poème - je crois -, photo de "A bout de Course")

Running on Empty

Indiana Jones And all the gold in the world leaves you cold
if it did not come from your own hands
You might as well buy this touch
your own way to that promised land

(paroles extraites de "Goldmine", photo de "Indiana Jones et la Dernière Croisade")

My days are heavy
On the inside of my night
My gaze falls heavy
On the inside of your denial

Better they come, better days come

(paroles extraites de "Note to a friend", photo de "My Own Private Idaho")

My Own Private Idaho

Dogfight I lost my real reason
I was scared
Taste was real

There were too many colors
Somehow we get trapped in
too unlikely straight-jackets

(paroles extraites de "Too Many Colors", photo de "Dogfight")

If I could draw a conclusion here
I'd say that the end is near...

This is not the way
I want to see your face
And this change could be
The death of you and me

(paroles extraites de "Blue Period", photo de "Sneakers" - "Les Experts")


The Thing Called Love The more I hurt, the less I feel
The more I know, the less I rest in this
lone star state of mind

(paroles extraites de "Lone Star State of Mind",
photo de "The Thing Called Love" - inédit )

In a boxcar hides an orphan
Seeking shelter, nothing more
Gliding now tracks lay before him
Leading him to distant shore.

(paroles extraites de "Betraying Mother", photo de "Silent Tongue")

Silent Tongue

Les paroles de ces chansons viennent de 2 sites, où vous pouvez les trouver en entier :
Aleka's Attic ( un site dédié au groupe de River ) - sur le site The Abode of Seraphiel
et the River Phoenix Pages
les River Phoenix Pages (version française du site ci-dessus)

Vous y trouverez aussi une filmographie exhaustive - il manque ici 4 de ses films : "Explorers" de Joe Dante, "A night in the life of Jimmy Reardon" de William Richert, "Little Nikita" de Richard Benjamin, "Je t'aime à te tuer" de Lawrence Kasdan. J'ai choisi ceux qui s'accordaient le mieux aux textes, même si certains sont inédits en France (et que je ne les ai pas tous vus, d'ailleurs).

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